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WebCollage screensaver

You must be 18 years or older to read this post. NOT SAFE FOR WORK.

I upgraded to gutsy recently. One thing I don't like about ubuntu is that (unlike gentoo) your options for screensavers are severely limited. In Gentoo, you can select 1 screensaver, or random screensavers of your choice. In Ubuntu, however, you only have two options: 1 screensaver OR random screensavers (where you can't select WHICH random--it picks a random screensaver from the whole lot).

I guess that Ubuntu released a bunch of new screensavers with their release of Gutsy. Every now and then I'd see a new one that I'd either like or dislike. However, one stood out from the rest: WebCollage.

WebCollage randomly picks pictures from the internet and displays them as a collage. It's a cool idea, but we all know that 75% of the internet is porn. This screensaver is NOT SAFE FOR WORK.

You must be 18 years or older to read this post

I wish I was kidding. My screen timed out, faded to screensaver, and I looked up from my math homework in curiosity of what screensaver it would pick (perhaps a new one?). Yep, a random picture popped up. It was a picture I had never seen before. I became more intrigued. A bit later, another picture--and another. I figured it was pulling random pictures up off the internet, and I liked that idea--it's cool, right?

Well, after about 4 pictures, the porn began. It was kinda nice--I mean, the girl had a fine set of--eyes. I looked back at my roommate to see if he had noticed. Nope. My curiosity grew. I kept looking. As I stared at the partially porn-filled laptop, I began to wonder how something like this could get out into a release by a pseudo-respectable organization like Ubuntu. It doesn't make logical sense. Ladies and gentlemen, Ubuntu is NOT safe for work 🙁

I did a test. I was curious as to just how often porn appears with this screensaver. I ran the screensaver 10 times and allowed 10 images to appear each time. I recorded whether or not it was "Porn" (image including the genitals) or "Sexual" (anything that you wouldn't want your boss to see on your screen) or "Everything Else."

Porn Occurency

Well, it appears that this screensaver will present porn 8% of the time, and it will present something you don't want your boss to see 19% of the time. Perhaps it's not THAT bad, but it seems like it's a lot more when you freak at the first sign of a nice blonde's--err--hair.

Here's what the unedited (ergo, 18+ and not safe for work) screensaver looks like. I just took screenshots after 10 or so images from the trials outlined above:

Test1Test 2Test 3Test 4Test 5Test 6Test 7Test 8Test 9Test 10

I can't decide if I like it or not. Either way, I'm going to have to disable this screensaver from my ubuntu work computer on Monday :-/

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5 comments to WebCollage screensaver

  • Jordan_U

    Just so you know this is not installed by default and the package that enables it in KDE comes with this warning in the description:

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: The internet contains all kinds of pictures, some of which
    you might find inappropriate and offensive.
    You are specially discouraged to install this package if you are using
    your computer in a working environment or in an environment with children.
    If you still want to install this package, please read the file
    /usr/share/doc/kscreensaver-xsavers-webcollage/README.Debian after the

  • guttersnipe

    Well, I certainly didn't know about this screensaver before it was displayed on my laptop at random. I did not install it manually.

    It might have to do with the fact that I UPGRADED to Gutsy. Also, I'm running Gnome and I didn't get any warnings :-/

  • random

    Any way I can make it get only porn? LOL

  • guttersnipe


    Come to think of it, I beleive I might have downloaded some "extended" screensaver set so I could get glmatrix or xmatrix a while back.

    Regardless, this set of screensavers did NOT include WebCollage pre-gutsy. Additionally, I received NO warning as to webCollage's content at ANY time.

    Again, I'm running gnome, and I did an upgrade to gutsy. I must have installed the extended screensaver list BEFORE the upgrade.

    So, I did not choose to install webCollage--I choose to install the older extended pack of screensavers. Ubuntu is still to blame for automatically putting this on my computer.

  • [...] Warning: mature audiences only: You can read all about it in my other post. [...]

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