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My Cycling Blog

1Guy2BikeTrips Banner Photo

Much to my surprise, I discovered that I have 25 registered users to this web blog. I’d like to take this opportunity to point out that I’ve since created another “blog specifically to document a ~3,000 mile bicycle trip that a friend and me are embarking on this summer (2010). The website is: 2guys1biketrip.com”:http://www.2guys1biketrip.com.

Although this new blog is (obviously) _mostly_ cycling-oriented, there are some technological posts as well. For example, I plan on “plotting our trek in real-time on a Google Maps mashup using a GPS-enabled cell phone”:http://2guys1biketrip.com/wp/?page_id=59. For more info, see “my ‘GPS Tracking’ post on 2guys1bike trip”:http://2guys1biketrip.com/wp/?p=69.

Also, one of the many obstacles I’m trying to dodge for this trip is “how to charge my batteries”:http://2guys1biketrip.com/wp/?p=51. I’ve considered “pedal-power”:http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2009/06/how-to_pedal-powered_phone_charger.html and solar power.

To monitor our progress as we prepare for this epic trip, be sure to subscribe to our “2guys1biketrip RSS feed”:http://2guys1biketrip.com/wp/?feed=rss2. I’m sure there will be some solar panel hacking posts on 2guys1biketrip in the not-too-distant future.

Also, if you’ve found any of these postings to be helpful or you just feel like being exceptionally nice, please consider “contributing to our trip”:http://2guys1biketrip.com/wp/?page_id=6. Donations of any amount will be _much_ appreciated (we are both college students,
. . . → Read More: My Cycling Blog